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Half plastic half metal pellet's ?

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My friend gave me a handfull of pellets earlier, he said he was told they shoot like a 177 pellet but with the power of a .22 . The tip is made of metal and the rest is glow in the dark plastic ? what are these pellets designed for ? i've not shot any yet as wanted to know if they will damage my barrell don't know why they would but better safe then sorry.

Edited by DSDL-35
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Not for me neither, bad grouping and im not convinced they work as they were intended.


I had a full blown argument with certain mr swan from the gwct regarding the use of these pellets for despatching mink, using an air pistol at point blank range.

Not only were the gwct promoting the use of these "napier" branded pellets but fair or suitable results were only acheived by the use of an almost obsolete air pistol brand.


A novel thing i suppose but IMHO no comparrison to some of the better pellets on the market. Get some tin cans shot :laugh:

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